38-dars. will/shall


will/shall gapirilayotgan vaqtda qaror qilingan va to’satdan qaror qilingan ish-harakatlrga aytiladi. Inkor gap tuzayotganimizda – not yuklamasidan foydalanamiz. -will not, – won’t bo’ladi.

Oh, I have left the door open. I will go and shut it.

(Eshikni ochiq qoldiribman. Borib, uni yopaman).

What would you like to drink? – I will have tea, please.

(Nima ichishni hohlaysiz? – Men choy ichaman, iltimos)

Qisqartirilgan shaklda yozilishi.

So’roq gap tuzmoqchi bo’lsek will/shalldi egadan oldinga olib o’tamiz.

(Sen bu oqshomda uyda bo’lasanmki?)

will/shalldi keljakdagi ish harakatlariga ham foydalanamiz. (tommorow, next week).

will/shall allaqachon rejalashtirilgan yoki qaror qilingan ishlar haqida gapirilganda ISHLATILMAYDI.

I am going on holiday next saturday. (not I will go)

(Men kelasi shanba ta’tilga chiqayapman) (I will go emas)

I am not working tommorow. (not I won’t work)

(Men ertga ishalamayapman).

Inglzi tilida I shall (=I will) va we shall (=we will) ishlatishimiz mumkin.

(Men ertaga kechikaman) yoki (Men ertaga kech qolaman)

Hech qachon shalldi you/they/he/she/it bilan FOYDALANMAYMIZ.

(Tom kech qoladi).

Exercises 1. Helen Yevropaga sayohat qilyapti. Gaplarni she was, she’s yoki she’ll be bilan to’ldiring.


2. she’ll be
3. she was
4. she’ll be
5. she’s
6. she was
7. she’ll be

Exercises 2. will (‘ll) yoki won’t qo’ying.


2. ‘ll/will
3. won’t
4. won’t
5. ‘ll/will
6. ‘ll/will
7. won’t

Exercises 3. Qaysi biri to’g’ri?


2. are you doing
3. They’re going
4. will lend
5. I’m going
6. will phone
7. He’s working
8. Will you
9. are coming

New words (yangi so’zlar)

6yethali ham14freebepul
7awayuzoqda15lendqarz bermoq

38-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

There ____ any rice left for tomorrow if we eat it all now.

2 / 10

Will there be elections next month?

3 / 10

So’zlarni o’z o’rniga qo’ying.

Probably/go/next summer/we/France/will/to

4 / 10

Gapni to’g’ri tarjima qiling.

I’ll definitely pass the exam

5 / 10

Future simple da will/shall dan keyin fe’lga qanday qo’shimcha qo’shiladi?

6 / 10

To’g’ri yozilgan javobni toping.

7 / 10

___ you the window, please? I can’t reach.

8 / 10

Eat lots of salads – they ___ make you fat.

9 / 10

I don’t think people ___ ever live on the moon.

10 / 10

To’g’ri yozilgan javobni toping.

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