29- dars. I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)


Biz Past simple dan o’tgan zamonda bo’lib o’tgan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda foydalanamiz. Past continuous dan esa o’tgan zamonni ma’lum bir vaqtida sodir bo’layotgan ish harakatlarga ishlatamiz.

Jack was reading a book . (Jack kitob o’qiyotgan edi).

His phone rang (Uning telefoni jiringlab qoldi).

He stopped reading. (U o’qishni to’xtatdi).

He answered his phone. (U telefoniga javob berdi).

Past continuous zamonda ish-harakat davom etishi kerak.

Masalan: He was reading a book. (Past Continuous)

Past simple zamonda esa ish harakat bajarilgan bo’lishi kerak.

He stopped reading and answered his phone (Past Simple)

Mavzuni mustahkamlash uchun quyidagi mashqlarni bajaring.

Exercises 1. Suratga qarag. Mos kelgan zamonni qo’ying.


1. happened ……was painting…. fell
2. arrived….. got …… were waiting
3. was walking ….. met ….was going…. was carrying….. stopped

Exercises 2. Fe’llarni past simple yoki past continuous da qo’yib chiqing.


2.was studying
3. Did Paul call…. called …. was having
4. didn’t go
5. were you driving ….stopped …. was’t driving
6.Did your team win …. didn’t play
7. did you break….were playing …. kicked… hit
8. Did you see …. was wearing
9. were you doing
10. lost… did you get…. climbed


29-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Why did the building fall down?

2 / 10

Were they wolves?

3 / 10

I was ___ a ghost story when I heard a noise.

4 / 10

While David ___ last night, someone ___ his motorbike.

5 / 10

When I saw him, he ___

6 / 10

Past simple yoki past continuousni tanlang.

I ___ the final episode when she came home.

7 / 10

What time ___ yesterday morning?

8 / 10

Past simple yoki past continuousni tanlang.

The children ___ when their mother came home.

9 / 10

To’g’ri yozilgan gapni toping.

10 / 10

Did you ___ to the cinema yesterday?

Your score is

Yangi so’zlarni yodlang!

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1  callchaqirmoq9breaksindirmoq
2drive  haydamoq10kicktepmoq
3team  jamoa11hiturmoq
4  cleantozalamoq12wearkiymoq
5  hisuning (o’g’il bol)13havebor bo’lmoq
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