Repetitsion TEST 6


Ertangi bo’ladigan attestatsiya imtihoniga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida berilgan repetitsion test bilan o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring!
1-bosqich pedagogning mutaxassislik fani bo’yicha 35ta, kasbiy standart bo’yicha 5ta testdan iborat bo’lsa, 2-bosqichda pedagogik mahorat bo’yicha 10ta savol o’rin olgan bo’ladi.
Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!


Repetitsion TEST 6

Jami savollar 50ta!

Mutaxassislik fani 40ta
Pedagogik mahoratdan 10ta

Ajratilgan vaqt 90 daqiqa

Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

1 / 50

Bolalar o’qituvchi tushuntirgan mavzuni tez ilg’ab olishlari o‘qituvchi esa o’z bilimini ularning ongi va tafakkuriga kam kuch sarflash evaziga yetkaza olishi namoyon bo’ldi ha o’qituvchi ta’lim va tarbiya borasida belgilangan muddatda maqsadga erishishi bilan hamkasblari orasida ajralib turadi.
Bunda o‘qituvchi pedagogga xos bo‘lgan qaysi qobiliyatni nomoyon qiladi?

2 / 50

Lucy can have a dress ………as long as she promised.

3 / 50

O’qituvchi bu usul orqali ma’lumotlarni boyitish, mavjud holatlarga baho berish,
muammoning yechimini topishga imkon beruvchi vaziyatni yaratishga erishadi. Bu tadqiqot turi individual yoki ommaviy shaklda o’tkazilishi mumkin. Ushbu metod ijobiy natija berishi uchun o‘quvchilarga o’z fikrlarini erkin va to‘liq ayta olishiga sharoit yaratilishi, olingan ma’lumotlarni o‘z vaqtida tahlil qilinishiga imkon berilishi qaysi metod turiga kiradi?

4 / 50

I looked long at this picture and could not choose but ………..

5 / 50

He ………hardly………the house, when it started to rain.

6 / 50

We had fun ………. volleyball.

7 / 50

Shall we go by train? I’d rather ………….

8 / 50

What’s the point of ……..a car if you never use it?

9 / 50

A popular method of treating frozen fingers and toes in very cold, even freezing weather is to slowly rewarm them or  rub  them  with snow. The best treatment, however, is not slow rewarming but rapid rewarming. Putting the frozen fingers or toes in a warm bath or using      a hot water bottle are both good ways to treat them.  Hot  drinks  to warm the body from within are also helpful. One must be  careful  about burning the skin, however. The temperature of any heat applied should not be greater than 43 C

The author warns that                 .

10 / 50

How long has it been since Mrs. Hill ……..?

11 / 50

The cake was made ………Ann. It was made ………eggs, flour and butter.

12 / 50

Yosh o’qituvchi kasbiy faoliyatiga oid yangiliklarni dadil o’zlashtiradi va uni jamoadoshlariga targ’ib qiladi. Va yangiliklar asosida o’z g’oyalarini ilgari suradi. Bunday holatda o’qituvchi ijodkorlikning qaysi usulidan foydalangan?

13 / 50

On the day of my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the room where I practiced. I was so eager to get over my nerves that I was willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of cabbages. When the  time  of  the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly nervous. My hands felt like   ice. When I finally walked across the stage, I looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone!  All  those  people  out  there  could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake. For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.

In the passage it is explained that               .

14 / 50

On the day of my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the room where I practiced. I was so eager to get over my nerves that I was willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of cabbages. When the  time  of  the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly nervous. My hands felt like   ice. When I finally walked across the stage, I looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone!  All  those  people  out  there  could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake. For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded.

The  writer  stopped  feeling  nervous_____.

15 / 50

He has been having the house ………

16 / 50

…. – mutaxaassis sifatida o’qituvchilarda nomoyon bo’lib, ta’lim va tarbiya jarayonlarini pedagogik talablarga muvofiq tashkil eta olish, o’quvchilaar jamoasini samarali boshqarishni ta’minlovchi individual psixologik xususiyat.

17 / 50

………you have your car serviced?

18 / 50

She’s a very nice lady, slightly older than myself and happily ………….. with two kids.

19 / 50

One of my friends at work actually came up to me yesterday and asked if I had lost some weight. It’s so nice when someone ………….. this — especially when it happens to be a beautiful girl!

20 / 50

It is two years since I last …….Joe.

21 / 50

Bicycling in America has been growing at an amazing rate. Bicycles used to be sold to parents for their children. Now those same parents are buying them for themselves, as well as for their children. And grandparents are cycling, too. Moreover, people don’t simply cycle for fun and for the exercise. Many young executives ride bikes to work as an alternative to adding to the pollution of cities, and to fighting traffic jams, while college and high school students find bikes an economical alternative to cars or buses.

Cycling is also a hobby that      __.


22 / 50

Do you ……what I mean?

23 / 50

How many vowel sounds are there in the word «university»?

24 / 50

I’m sorry ………this, but your work is rather unsatisfactory.

25 / 50

You are giving feedback to a colleague about their communication skills. How do you phrase it constructively?

26 / 50

Bicycling in America has been growing at an amazing rate. Bicycles used to be sold to parents for their children. Now those same parents are buying them for themselves, as well as for their children. And grandparents are cycling, too. Moreover, people don’t simply cycle for fun and for the exercise. Many young executives ride bikes to work as an alternative to adding to the pollution of cities, and to fighting traffic jams, while college and high school students find bikes an economical alternative to cars or buses.

From the passage we can infer that____.

27 / 50

….. – baholash o’qitishdagi adaptiv o’zgarishlarga ko’maklashadi.Birlamchi diagnoz asosida o’qituvchi mazkur ta’lim siklidao’qishni boshlashdan ilgari o’quvchilarning bilimlari, ko’nikmalari va munosabatlarinining boshlang’ich holatini aniqlaydi; birlamchi baholash natijalari asosida o’quvchi tegishli o’quv rejani tanlaydi va kerak bo’lsa uni o’quvchilarniehtiyojlari va qobiliyatlariga qarab modifikatsiya qilishi mumkin.
Bu qanday baholash turi?

28 / 50

Find the passive form of this sentence. They may have painted the house.

29 / 50

O’qituvchi tomonidan qo’llangan bu tadqiqot metodi o’quvchi tomondan tadqiq etilayotgan muammoning u yoki bu jihatini yorituvchi hodisaga nisbatan munosabat bildirishini ta’minlaydi. Bu metod o’quvchi e’tiboriga turkum savollarini havola etish asosida o’tkaziladi. Bu metod samara berishi uchun tadqiqotchi tomonidan jarayonda olingan savollarga nisbatan munosabat beltirishi lozim.

30 / 50

The roof was ………….. . I had to call in a repairman.

31 / 50

It is ages …… we went to the cinema.

32 / 50

Sinf rahbari bir necha o`quvchi sinf jamoasidan ajralgani,umumiy tadbirlardan o`zlarini olib qochayotganlarini kuzatdi. Buning sababini bilish uchun sinfdagi muloqot muhitiga e’tiborini qaratdi. Jamoa orasidagi psixologik munosabatga to`g`ri va oqilona baho berish uchun o`quvchilar bilan alohida suhbatlar o`tkazdi. Asta-sekinlik bilan barcha sinf o`quvchilari orasida do`stona munosabat o`rnatildi.
Shunda sinf rahbari pedagogga xos bo`lgan qaysi qobiliyati namoyon qilgan?

33 / 50

They gave us money………food.

34 / 50

He was seen ……..the building.

35 / 50

Sinf rahbari o’ziga yuklatilgan sinf o’quvchilarining fizika fanidan baholari tushib ketganini aniqladi. Fizika ustozi yosh mutaxassis bo’lgani uchun, o’quvchilar unga quloq solmayotgan bo’lsalar kerak dedi, darsni kuzatishga qaror qildi. Darsni kuzatish jarayonida, o’qituvchining nutqda aniq talaffuz yo’qligi va shu sabab o’quvchilar mavzuni to’g’ri tushunmayotganliklari ma’lum bo’ldi. Fizika ustozi nutqining qay jihatida muammo borligini aniqlang.

36 / 50

Do you have much opportunity ………your English?

37 / 50

He ………from Spain. He is Spanish.

38 / 50

We will set off as soon as I’ve got the car …….

39 / 50

Atamalarni ta’rifi bilan moslashtiring.
2. Mazmun

a) O’qish jarayonida egallanishi lozim bo‘lgan ilmiy bilim, amaliy ko‘nikma va malakalar, faoliyat, fikrlash usullari
b) qo’yilgan maqsadni samarali amalga oshirish uchun unga zaruriy shaklni taqdim etadigan, aniq mezonlar bo’yicha tartiblangan didaktik jarayon.
c) o‘qitishning nimaga qodirligini, uning kuchlari kelgusida qay yo‘sinda safarbar etilishi

40 / 50

She is determined to get a ticket for the concert, even if it means ……..a lot of money.

41 / 50

Don’t you ever care about the ………….. masses? Don’t you know that some 842 million people — 13% of the world’s population — don’t have enough food to eat each day?

42 / 50

O’qituvchi bolalar uni hurmat qilmay qo’ymasligi, so’zlariga kirishi uchun doim ularga so’z bilan balki ko’z qarashlari yuz ifodalari va nigohlari bilan ham ta’sir eta olishi kerak. Bunday holatda o’qituvchi ta’sir ko’rsatishning qaysi usulidan foydalanishi kerak?

43 / 50

I couldn’t understand what had happened and when I apologised to him explaining how I couldn’t hear him, he just ………….. me and rode off.

44 / 50

I shall go to the country as soon as I…………… examinations.

45 / 50

In which word is the letter ‘l’ silent?

46 / 50

She …………from Spain. She had a meeting there.

47 / 50

She is busy ………the wedding invitations.

48 / 50

She……………the baby’s forehead.

49 / 50

How many vowel sounds are there in the word «beautiful»?

50 / 50

….. -mutaxassis sifatida o’qituvchilarda namoyon bo’lib, ta’lim jarayonini hech bir qiyinchiliksiz, osonlik bilan tashkil etilishini ta’minlovchi individual psixologik xususiyat.

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