Repetitsion TEST 3


Kuzda bo’ladigan attestatsiya imtihoniga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida berilgan repetitsion test bilan o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring!
1-bosqich pedagogning mutaxassislik fani bo’yicha 35ta, kasbiy standart bo’yicha 5ta testdan iborat bo’lsa, 2-bosqichda pedagogik mahorat bo’yicha 10ta savol o’rin olgan bo’ladi.
Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Repetitison TEST

Jami savollar 50ta!

Mutaxassislik fani 35ta
Kasbiy standartdan 5ta
Pedagogik mahoratdan 10ta

Ajratilgan vaqt 90 daqiqa

Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

1 / 50

If we don’t ______ before it rains heavily again, our bedroom is going to get very damp!

2 / 50

Don’t you ever care about the ………….. masses? Don’t you know that some 842 million people — 13% of the world’s population — don’t have enough food to eat each day?

3 / 50

Looking ahead from the present position, where food production has kept ahead of population growth globally but has fallen per capita in 55 (mainly African) countries, it would seem that these trends will continue. About 30 countries – most of them African – can expect serious problems unless they reduce population growth and give higher priority to agriculture and conservation.

Though a warmer, wetter earth with high CO2 levels is likely to be capable of producing more food, the amounts will still be inadequate for many poorer countries. In many cases, the population projections are greater than the entire local land resources can support.

It is argued in the passage that _____.

4 / 50

O‘qituvchi o‘zining qizg‘in mehnati jarayonida pedagogik mahoratning qaysi komponentlarini ma’lum darajada o‘zlashtirishi lozim:

5 / 50

When addressing a mistake in a report, how should you phrase it?

6 / 50

O‘quvchilar bilimini kompyuter texnologiyalari orqali o‘qituvchi tomonidan nazorat qilishning asosiy vositalari bu…..

7 / 50

Psychology is literally the study of the mind (or soul), but its area has broadened somewhat in the last century. We have learned that one cannot consider the mind as totally isolated from the body, and it now includes the study of human personality and behaviour. Psychologists also study the behaviour and brain of animals whenever such studies throw light on human behaviour.

It is important to realize that psychologists are first and foremost trained as scientists rather than as medical experts. They do not necessarily take much interest in abnormalities of the brain and mental processes.

As can be inferred from the passage, psychology _____.

8 / 50

Pedagogika oliy ta’lim muassasalarida yuksak mahoratli omilkor o‘qituvchini shakllantirish nechta yo‘nalish bo‘yicha amalga oshiriladi?

9 / 50

He ______ on the go since the alarm clock ______ off this morning!

10 / 50

It ________ the village where we spent our holidays last summer.

11 / 50

They ______ pleased when their son borrowed their car and had an accident!

12 / 50

______ in the country yet or does she still find it too quiet?

13 / 50

Tarbiya ko‘rganlik darajasini aniqlashda qaysi metodlar qo’llaniladi?

14 / 50

One of my friends at work actually came up to me yesterday and asked if I had lost some weight. It’s so nice when someone ………….. this — especially when it happens to be a beautiful girl!

15 / 50

I work at Poleson Ltd. _____ there since 1967.

16 / 50

Ta’lim jarayonida o‘qituvchining ijodiy kayfiyatini boshqarishga ta’rif bering.

17 / 50

O‘qituvchi tomonidan ta’lim jarayonini boshqarish quyidagi bosqichlardan iborat:

18 / 50

Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
Lock the door when you leave the house, ______?

19 / 50

The expense of a new car would mean ______ less money for our holiday!

20 / 50

Tarbiyaviy muammolarni hal qilishda va o‘quvchilarni hayotga tayyorlashda boshqa pedagogik xodimlar va mutaxassislar, jamoat tashkilotlari va bo‘limlari (Yoshlar agentligi) bilan hamkorlik qilish o‘qituvchilar kasbiy kompetensiyasining qaysi mehnat vazifasidagi harakatlariga kiradi?

21 / 50

He ______ me that he was going to be away this week but I really can’t remember!

22 / 50

Looking ahead from the present position, where food production has kept ahead of population growth globally but has fallen per capita in 55 (mainly African) countries, it would seem that these trends will continue. About 30 countries – most of them African – can expect serious problems unless they reduce population growth and give higher priority to agriculture and conservation.

Though a warmer, wetter earth with high CO2 levels is likely to be capable of producing more food, the amounts will still be inadequate for many poorer countries. In many cases, the population projections are greater than the entire local land resources can support.

Of all the countries in the world, it is those in Africa _____.

23 / 50

When he told you he was going to sell his house and live in a tent, he was pulling ______!

24 / 50

Before putting the bowl of spaghetti on the table, she ______ grated cheese over it.

25 / 50

Mont Blanc, ________ we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe.

26 / 50

Oʻqituvchi oʻquvchiga tanbeh berdi. Oʻquvchi ustozga eʼtiroz bildirib gap qaytardi. Oʻqituvchi ota-onasini chaqirtirib ota-onasini oldida oʻquvchi bn gaplashdi. Oʻqituvchi qanday yoʻl tutdi?

27 / 50

Where ______ when ______ to the Convention next week?

28 / 50

I couldn’t understand what had happened and when I apologised to him explaining how I couldn’t hear him, he just ………….. me and rode off.

29 / 50

She’s a very nice lady, slightly older than myself and happily ………….. with two kids.

30 / 50

The tailor made him a new ________ .

31 / 50

Qaysi javobda tarbiya texnologiyalarini qo‘llashda pedagogik vositalardan foydalanish to’g’ri ko’rsatilgan?

32 / 50

He ______ for hours so it was time he took a break.

33 / 50

The roof was ………….. . I had to call in a repairman.

34 / 50

Last Saturday, over a hundred people ______ after the disturbance at the football match.

35 / 50

Monitoring so‘zining ma’nosi nima?

36 / 50

If he ______ in time, there ______ a serious accident. It’s lucky he has quick reactions!

37 / 50

What is the final sound of the word «cough»?

38 / 50

O‘qituvchi darsga tayyorgarlik ko‘rishda qaysi talablardan foydalanib, o‘z imkoniyatlariga erishishadi?

39 / 50

O’qituvchi navbatdagi darslik rejasini yozish uchun hozirlik ko’rmoqda, dars rejasi mukammal bo’lishi uchun uning maqsadi, turli shakl va qo’llaniladigan metodlari aniq tanlashi lozim. Quyidagi ko’rsatilgan qatorni toping.

40 / 50

Masofadan o’qitishning afzallik tomonlari?

41 / 50

Living here at the top of the mountain with no one else near you must be very ________ .

42 / 50

Quyida qaysi javobda zamonaviy tarbiya mazmunining tamoyillarini modellashtirish to’g’ri berilgan?

43 / 50

Mr. Smith made a mistake when he gave his son Tom a camera. For soon Tom became so interested in photography that he began to neglect his school work. Soon a large part of his conversation was about photographs. When the newspapers came he examined the photographs first and said what was wrong with them, before starting to read the news.

After he was given the camera, Tom___.

44 / 50

Chiqarmoq,ajratish, tabaqalashtirish, tasniflash, oldindan aytish, boʼlib chiqmoq, taqsimlash, tekshirmoq – bular qaysi usulga kiradi?

45 / 50

He promised to pick her up at the station but it slipped his ______ and she had to take a taxi.

46 / 50

In which word is the letter ‘g’ silent?

47 / 50

This question is ________ difficult for me.

48 / 50

She ______ out the cellar when she ______ across an old painting that may be valuable.

49 / 50

When suggesting changes to a colleague’s work process, how should you phrase it?

50 / 50

Psychology is literally the study of the mind (or soul), but its area has broadened somewhat in the last century. We have learned that one cannot consider the mind as totally isolated from the body, and it now includes the study of human personality and behaviour. Psychologists also study the behaviour and brain of animals whenever such studies throw light on human behaviour.

It is important to realize that psychologists are first and foremost trained as scientists rather than as medical experts. They do not necessarily take much interest in abnormalities of the brain and mental processes.

It is pointed out in the passage that _____.


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