Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari 9


Keyingi yil mart aprel oylarida bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 40ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uhcun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q! Ingliz tili attestatsiya testlari

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attetatsiya Test №9

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2022-yil attestatsiya savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 40ta

1 / 40

_____ returning to Holland with nothing to report, the crew voted to look for the Northwest Passage, a legendary waterway that would carry a ship all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

2 / 40

The restaurants are similarly noisy but the food is delicious, _____ the yoghurts which seem to be an Istanbul speciality.

3 / 40


Penguin ancestors could fly as well as any other sea bird. Now its wings are short, paddle-like flippers that are entirely useless for flight. The bird has lived for
ages in or near the Antarctic regions, where it has few enemies. Thus it came to spend all of its time on land or in the water. For generations it did not fly. In the
course of evolution, its wings became small and stiff and lost their long feathers. The penguins, however, became master swimmers and divers. Of all birds, they are the most fully adapted to water. Their thick coat of feathers provides a smooth surface that is impenetrable to water. Their streamlined bodies glide through the water easily.
The birds use their wings as swimmers use their arms in a crawl stroke, and they steer with their feet. Penguins can swim at speeds of more than 25 miles per hour.
When they want to leave the water, they can leap as much as 6 feet from the water’s surface onto a rock or iceberg.

The birds from which penguins are descended ……

4 / 40

Due to _____ rainy weather we’ve had recently, I didn’t have to water _____ garden of our house every day.

5 / 40

For the potable water system onboard the ship there are _____ standards, like the first one, that it be potable

6 / 40

What _____ ‘modern civilization’ is the result of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life.

7 / 40

New measurements of brain activity in individuals addicted to cocaine confirm that addicted individuals _____ sensitivity to monetary rewards.

8 / 40

Marquez dominated the first two rounds, _____ Pacquiao almost ______ his balance.

9 / 40

Dolphins and porpoises, often called simply «small whales,» are mammals, not fish, and are thus warm-blooded, keeping their body temperature nearly constant
even when they are exposed to different environmental temperatures. The mothers provide milk for the young for a year or more. Like other whales, dolphins have lungs and breathe through a single nostril, called the blowhole, located on top of the head.
The blowhole is opened during their frequent trips to the surface to breathe. In contrast to some of the large whales, dolphins and porpoises have teeth, which they
use to seize their food, consisting primarily of marine fish. Certain species of marine dolphins are the best-known biologically because they survive well in captivity, which means they can be more carefully observed. The bottle-nosed dolphin has been the most intensively studied because of its adaptability to salt-water holding tanks. It is a major participant in acrobatic shows at oceanariums and is noted for its curiosity toward humans.

One of the special characteristics of the bottle-nosed dolphin is that …….

10 / 40

Chemotherapy given at the same time as radiation therapy can help patients with a certain type of lung cancer live nearly 50 per cent longer than they _____ otherwise if the same treatment _____ differently.

11 / 40

The report contains recommendations ______ charges, if any, should be filed in the March 9 crash.

12 / 40

In 1453, the Ottomans adopted Hagia Sophia _____ their principal place of worship and it was converted _____ a mosque.

13 / 40

After _____ my life as an environmentalist, I declared in 2004 that environmentalism was dead, unable to effectively work at the scale of the problems we _____.

14 / 40

I was thinking of buying a pregnancy dress _____, but _____ was given one as a present by my husband.

15 / 40

In their eagerness ____ fast results, many people set unrealistic fitness goals and, by overtraining, suffer injuries which worsen their health _____ improving it.

16 / 40

Perhaps no actress in decades has _____ assumed a role than has Theron in “Monster” _____ she actually seems to become the psychopathic.

17 / 40

Rarely does she go to the cinema, _____?

18 / 40


Penguin ancestors could fly as well as any other sea bird. Now its wings are short, paddle-like flippers that are entirely useless for flight. The bird has lived for
ages in or near the Antarctic regions, where it has few enemies. Thus it came to spend all of its time on land or in the water. For generations it did not fly. In the
course of evolution, its wings became small and stiff and lost their long feathers. The penguins, however, became master swimmers and divers. Of all birds, they are the most fully adapted to water. Their thick coat of feathers provides a smooth surface that is impenetrable to water. Their streamlined bodies glide through the water easily.
The birds use their wings as swimmers use their arms in a crawl stroke, and they steer with their feet. Penguins can swim at speeds of more than 25 miles per hour.
When they want to leave the water, they can leap as much as 6 feet from the water’s surface onto a rock or iceberg.

Penguins are especially well-suited to water because they ……

19 / 40

If the primary candidates _____ more on the issues, the results of the election _____ quite different.

20 / 40

China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam _____ major rice exporters have controlled their rice exports to sustain their country’s needs of rice.

21 / 40

The stories of my grandmother most _____ have never been heard should have been made into a book so far.

22 / 40

Former president, a woman who is a world icon for democracy, _____ to the hospital _____ colon cancer.

23 / 40

I listened to some news on _____ radio about _____ man arrested for embezzlement last Tuesday.

24 / 40

One of the _____ things the warring factions have in common is _____ opposition to the US.

25 / 40

Some people argue _____ is a major reason our ancestors ____.

26 / 40

_____ his life tragically was cut short, Dean’s short passage across the cinema screen and in movies is remarkable.

27 / 40

While experts question _____ impact lifestyle changes can have on developing certain diseases, they agree there’s a growing desire among consumers _____ more about their DNA.

28 / 40

Dolphins and porpoises, often called simply «small whales,» are mammals, not fish, and are thus warm-blooded, keeping their body temperature nearly constant
even when they are exposed to different environmental temperatures. The mothers provide milk for the young for a year or more. Like other whales, dolphins have lungs and breathe through a single nostril, called the blowhole, located on top of the head.
The blowhole is opened during their frequent trips to the surface to breathe. In contrast to some of the large whales, dolphins and porpoises have teeth, which they
use to seize their food, consisting primarily of marine fish. Certain species of marine dolphins are the best-known biologically because they survive well in captivity, which means they can be more carefully observed. The bottle-nosed dolphin has been the most intensively studied because of its adaptability to salt-water holding tanks. It is a major participant in acrobatic shows at oceanariums and is noted for its curiosity toward humans.

One of the differences between some whales and dolphins is that …..

29 / 40

A: «Are you going to the theatre tomorrow?»

B: “No, but I wish I _____.”

30 / 40

I’m sure that my new car could be more economical, _____ at the time I’ve been satisfied with its performance so far.

31 / 40

On the job application, I was asked to list my level of education, _____ any relevant training I had undergone.

32 / 40

The full impact of the strike will not be felt till next week, by _____ time present stocks will have been exhausted.

33 / 40

The risks and benefits of treating patients with medicines that combat mental illnesses _____ with the highest degree of medical training _____ any harmful effects.

34 / 40


Penguin ancestors could fly as well as any other sea bird. Now its wings are short, paddle-like flippers that are entirely useless for flight. The bird has lived for
ages in or near the Antarctic regions, where it has few enemies. Thus it came to spend all of its time on land or in the water. For generations it did not fly. In the
course of evolution, its wings became small and stiff and lost their long feathers. The penguins, however, became master swimmers and divers. Of all birds, they are the most fully adapted to water. Their thick coat of feathers provides a smooth surface that is impenetrable to water. Their streamlined bodies glide through the water easily.
The birds use their wings as swimmers use their arms in a crawl stroke, and they steer with their feet. Penguins can swim at speeds of more than 25 miles per hour.
When they want to leave the water, they can leap as much as 6 feet from the water’s surface onto a rock or iceberg.

When penguins desire to get out of the water, ………

35 / 40

The thieves _____ and left in a hurry.

36 / 40

If he _____ me tomorrow, I _____ some difficulty doing the work on my own.

37 / 40

Universities ______ a number of advantages by Athletic teams.

38 / 40

The forum reflects the cutting-edge investment expertise, ____ provides new ideas and insights into _____ the economy and financial markets are developing in Turkey.

39 / 40

______ the dispute, families and relatives and friends _____ for a long time.

40 / 40

Dolphins and porpoises, often called simply «small whales,» are mammals, not fish, and are thus warm-blooded, keeping their body temperature nearly constant
even when they are exposed to different environmental temperatures. The mothers provide milk for the young for a year or more. Like other whales, dolphins have lungs and breathe through a single nostril, called the blowhole, located on top of the head.
The blowhole is opened during their frequent trips to the surface to breathe. In contrast to some of the large whales, dolphins and porpoises have teeth, which they
use to seize their food, consisting primarily of marine fish. Certain species of marine dolphins are the best-known biologically because they survive well in captivity, which means they can be more carefully observed. The bottle-nosed dolphin has been the most intensively studied because of its adaptability to salt-water holding tanks. It is a major participant in acrobatic shows at oceanariums and is noted for its curiosity toward humans.

From the information given in the passage, we can infer that dolphins …….

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