Ingliz Tilidan Onlayn Attestatsiya Testlari 5


Yaqin kunlarda bo’ladigan ingliz tili fanidan attestatsiyaga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida attestatsiya namunasidagi 40ta savol berilgan. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uhcun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q! Ingliz tili attestatsiya testlari

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attetatsiya Test №5

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2021-yil attestatsiya savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 40ta

1 / 40

“What do you want for supper?”
“……., I don’t mind.”

2 / 40

Choose the correct answer. At the moment the washing-up ………. by my aunt.

3 / 40

Not until ……… my homework ………. to go out.

4 / 40

Choose the correct answer. My mother is angry with me because I ………. the window a week ago.

5 / 40

Find the correctly used modal verb. That’s not Clara’s car. …………

6 / 40

Continue the logic list. Sweater, boots, T-shirt, …….. .

7 / 40

Fill in the gap with the relative pronoun. Who’s the man ………. is sitting next to Mark?

8 / 40

What do the abbreviation stand for? UNESCO

9 / 40

Choose the correct answer. «At one o’clock, I was having lunch,» said Molly.
Molly said she ………. lunch at one o’clock.

10 / 40

Choose the correct answer for the following definition.
………. is the smallest amount of money you can get for working by law.

11 / 40

Find the grammatically correct answer

12 / 40

A century ago, the feats of the magician Harry Houdini thrilled audiences in Europe and America. We now remember him fo r his daring escapes from strait-jackets, chains and locked chests. His astonishing illusions o f
stage magic are all but extinct in the West, but are alive and thriving in the East. The reason is simple., Houdini’s kind of magic relied or potent chemicals, which were easy to get in Victorian times. Today, however, the people in the West are more safely conscious, and there is little hope, of finding the highly toxic ingredients necessary for Houdini’s spells. But if you visit any Indian bazaar, even in the smallest towns, you can buy anything from phosphorus to nitric acid at bargain prices. The author believes that…

13 / 40

No sooner ……… work ………. he resigned.

14 / 40

This book ………. found everywhere.

15 / 40

Khwarizmi’s full name is Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. The last mentioned name (his nisba) refers to his birthplace, Khwarizmi, south of the Aral Sea. He was born around 780 in the town of Kath part of Khwarizmi. Kath is now buried in the sand. He died around 850. He was summoned to Baghdad by Caliph Al-Mamun and appointed court astronomer. From the little of his work, Hisab Al-Jabr wal Muqabalah (Book of Calculations, Restoration and Reduction), Algebra (Al-Jabr) derived its name.

Complete the sentence. The last mentioned name (his nisba) refers to his birthplace, Khwarizmi, ……… of the Aral Sea.

16 / 40

Buddy movies always have two male friends, often from different backgrounds or with different personalities. They usually face a challenge together during the course of the film, and the challenge (eventually) makes their friendship stronger. They’re more popular in the USA than in Europe, and can be aim ed at both the old and the young. The earliest buddy movie s starred Laurel and Hardy and were made in black and white around a hundred years ago. Nowadays, many are also action films, road movies or westerns – famous examples include Die Hard 3 and 22 Jump Street. In most of them, women only play a minor role, never one of the buddies. In a few films, one of the ‘buddies’ is an animal!
What sort of film is a ‘buddy movie’?

17 / 40

He said: «I will complete this work tomorrow».

18 / 40

Choose the correct answer for the following definition.
…….. is the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or got something good.

19 / 40

People make fire ……… Bonfire Night.

20 / 40

If he ………,  ……… me Immediately.

21 / 40

My aunt has not found a suitable job for her yet. She is temporarily a ………. .

22 / 40

Choose the correct modal verb. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It ………. rain later.

23 / 40

Choose the correct answer. ‘We are making a dress,’ they said. They said they ………. a dress.

24 / 40

It is now much harder to import goods into the country than it was a few years ago. There has been a ……………… of border controls for imports.

25 / 40

The teacher doesn’t know ………. have a party in our classroom.

26 / 40

How do they ………… children to enter the school?

27 / 40

Find the synonym of the underlined word: Ulugbek (1394-1449) was the grandson of Temur, a famous scientist and ruler of Maverannahr. He built an observatory in Samarkand and studied the stars with a telescope. He made a famous map of the movement of 1054 different stars. It is still used today. Modern astronomers are surprised at the accuracy of his work. His book with the map is called «Ziji Kuragoniy’.

28 / 40

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in the German city of Ulm. He had been so special in his childhood and he was so late in learning to speak that his parents feared he was mentally slow. But in school, though his teachers saw no special talent in him, he was smart. For example, he taught himself calculus and his teachers were annoyed by him because he asked questions they could not answer. In 1889, the Einstein family invited a poor Polish medical student, Max Talmud to come to their house for Thursday evening meals. Talmud became an informal tutor to young Albert, introducing him to higher mathematics and philosophy. One of the books Talmud shared with Albert was a children’s science book full of wonderful pictures. Those pictures amazed and interested Albert and he began to ask himself different questions which led to Einstein’s research.

Complete the sentence. Albert Einstein was so special in his childhood and he was ………… 

29 / 40

Explorers want to discover new places. Some of them hope to get rich. Others are sent by governments to find new lands, or to see If old ones have oil, or gold, or fresh water. People like Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Captain Cook traveled from Europe to find New Worlds». Scientists, missionaries and doctors were often also explorers. Most explorers are very brave. They do not know exactly what will happen. Even today, with good scientific help, they have to be prepared for disasters as well as successes. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969 – but in February 2003, the Columbia space shuttle blew up and killed all its astronauts. This was an accident. Part of the surface of the rocket had been damaged on a previous trip. Millions of people saw this on their T.V. screens. Space travel Is still dangerous!

Choose the best title

30 / 40

Choose the correct answer. I was … a hurry and forgot to take some important documents with me.

31 / 40

New research suggests that among smokers who get lung cancer, women are nearly twice as likely as men to develop the deadliest form of the disease. Experts say that the British study represents the first-time scientists have discovered a significant difference between the sexes in the risk of small-cell lung cancer. Virtually always caused by smoking, it is the hardest form of lung cancer to treat successfully. The study showed that women under 65 were 1.7 times more vulnerable than men to small-cell lung cancer, which spreads so rapidly that by the time it is diagnosed, it is usually too late to operate. The deadliest form of lung cancer…

32 / 40

Fill in the gaps w ith the correct prepositions. Today more and more people seek jobs ………. perks.

33 / 40

The idea that we can control our dreams through a technique called ‘lucid dreaming’ Is usually the stuff of sci-fi films. During lucid dreaming, the sleeper knows they are dreaming and can control what happens even deciding to have breathtaking experiences like flying. Lucid dreaming isn’t just about mind-blowing experiences. It can be used to improve a variety of skills, from playing the piano to public speaking. It’s been shown that people who dream about practicing things, like playing the piano, do them better in «real life» the next day. Well-known athletes also use lucid dreaming to help them deliver record – breaking performances. You don’t need to be highly trained to have lucid dreams, but half-hearted efforts won’t work, so try the following steps regularly.

Find the definition of the expression: mind-blowing

34 / 40

Find the “odd word” among the following words: spoiled – well-behaved – mannerly – polite

35 / 40

The instructions should be clear, but if you’re …….. Just ask someone

36 / 40

It was a dull grey autumn day. She was walking along empty streets, carrying a heavy bag with her pupils’ exercise books. She was tired and unhappy. She was thinking about that naughty boy from class 9B. She knew she hadn’t been quick to answer his question. She remembered how he had laughed at her. But she had been such a good student at university! She had dreamt of becoming a good teacher. And now she didn’t know what to do. Suddenly she heard a radio playing a popular song, “Don’t be upset. Life is very long. Be patient and strong”. She smiled and decided to prepare something really exciting for her next lesson. She was sure she could surprise all
her pupils and that naughty boy too. Choose the best summary:

37 / 40

Choose the correct answer. You ………. a lot of water by taking a bath instead of a shower.

38 / 40

Put the right part of the sentence: It’s a pity. If I …….. you, I ……. the football and …….. some time in the evening for the homework.

39 / 40

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in the German city of Ulm. He had been so special in his childhood and he was so late in learning to speak that his parents feared he was mentally slow. But in school, though his teachers saw no special talent in him, he was smart. For example, he taught himself calculus and his teachers were annoyed by him because he asked questions they could not answer. In 1889, the Einstein family invited a poor Polish medical student, Max Talmud to come to their house for Thursday evening meals. Talmud became an informal tutor to young Albert, introducing him to higher mathematics and philosophy. One of the books Talmud shared with Albert was a children’s science book full of wonderful pictures. Those pictures amazed and interested Albert and he began to ask himself different questions which led to Einstein’s research.

Complete the sentence. When he was in school, Einstein ……..

40 / 40

Find the odd word: successful

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Attestatsiya test №1 & 2
Attestatsiya test №3
Attestatsiya test №4

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