Attestatsiya reading

Attestatsiya Reading Testlar №3


Ingliz tili fanidan o’qituvchilar uchun attestatsiya namunasidagi reading (o’qib tushunish) savollari. Testlarni ishlab o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring! Ushbu savollar faqatgina tayyorgarlik ko’rish va bilimingizni sinash uchun. HECH QANDAY tushish ehtimoli yo’q!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Attestatsiya Reading testlar №3

Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari uchun 2021-yil attestatsiya namunasida reading savollari to’plami. Jami savollar to’plami 18ta

1 / 18

Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and  throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the  way

It  is  not  very often that____.

2 / 18

Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and  throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the  way.

The worst thing an elephant does is to____.

3 / 18

Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and  throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the  way.

When an elephant is in a bad temper____.

4 / 18

The voyage began well in calm, clear weather. As usual, the ship was crowded; most of the passengers were tourists who, after their holiday in Turkey, were now returning home. There was a great deal of fun and entertainment on board the ship. People were eating, dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. But after the sun set, the weather began to change, and the sea got rougher and rougher. Soon nearly everyone was feeling ill

At the start of  the voyage_____.

5 / 18

The voyage began well in calm, clear weather. As usual, the ship was crowded; most of the passengers were tourists who, after their holiday in Turkey, were now returning home. There was a great deal of fun and entertainment on board the ship. People were eating, dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. But after the sun set, the weather began to change, and the sea got rougher and rougher. Soon nearly everyone was feeling ill

The  passage is about____.

6 / 18

The voyage began well in calm, clear weather. As usual, the ship was crowded; most of the passengers were tourists who, after their holiday in Turkey, were now returning home. There was a great deal of fun and entertainment on board the ship. People were eating, dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. But after the sun set, the weather began to change, and the sea got rougher and rougher. Soon nearly everyone was feeling ill

Most of the passengers on board the ship____.

7 / 18


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s world was a world of music from the moment he was born. His father, who was a fine musician, was teaching his daughter to play the piano. Little Wolfgang used to listen to his sister as she practiced. He quickly learned the pieces she played. One day he said he wanted to play too. But he was only three years old then, and his father thought that his hands were too small. However, that evening, alone and in the dark, he played the pieces  his sister had been practicing and he played them much better than her.

As  a child, Mozart____.

8 / 18

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s world was a world of music from the moment he was born. His father, who was a fine musician, was teaching his daughter to play the piano. Little Wolfgang used to listen to his sister as she practiced. He quickly learned the pieces she played. One day he said he wanted to play too. But he was only three years old then, and his father thought that his hands were too small. However, that evening, alone and in the dark, he played the pieces  his sister had been practicing and he played them much better than her.

Mozart’s  father  didn’t believe that             .

9 / 18

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s world was a world of music from the moment he was born. His father, who was a fine musician, was teaching his daughter to play the piano. Little Wolfgang used to listen to his sister as she practiced. He quickly learned the pieces she played. One day he said he wanted to play too. But he was only three years old then, and his father thought that his hands were too small. However, that evening, alone and in the dark, he played the pieces  his sister had been practicing and he played them much better than her.

While his  sister  was practicing, Mozart                   .

10 / 18

There was silence. Neither Mr. Mayne nor Mr. Bridge spoke. Mr. Mayne looked across at Mr. Bridge and waited. Both wanted the other to speak. Neither spoke. It was as if each felt that whoever spoke first would lose. Presently they rose together and together said: “Well I must be going.” Then they nodded slightly to each other and did indeed go. So they agreed to separate, but on both sides there was regret, for each was deeply convinced that they could have formed a business partnership that would have given them fame and wealth.

When Mr. Mayne and Mr. Bridge separated _____.

11 / 18

There was silence. Neither Mr. Mayne nor Mr. Bridge spoke. Mr. Mayne looked across at Mr. Bridge and waited. Both wanted the other to speak. Neither spoke. It was as if each felt that whoever spoke first would lose. Presently they rose together and together said: “Well I must be going.” Then they nodded slightly to each other and did indeed go. So they agreed to separate, but on both sides there was regret, for each was deeply convinced that they could have formed a business partnership that would have given them fame and wealth

When Mr. Mayne and Mr. Bridge met, they                .

12 / 18

There was silence. Neither Mr. Mayne nor Mr. Bridge spoke. Mr. Mayne looked across at Mr. Bridge and waited. Both wanted the other to speak. Neither spoke. It was as if each felt that whoever spoke first would lose. Presently they rose together and together said: “Well I must be going.” Then they nodded slightly to each other and did indeed go. So they agreed to separate, but on both sides there was regret, for each was deeply convinced that they could have formed a business partnership that would have given them fame and wealth

Mayne and Mr. Bridge scarcely spoke to each other because____.

13 / 18

Elizabeth parked the car and then went into the busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend the weekend with her. Elizabeth’s friends often came for the weekend, but there was something a little different about Jane’s visit. She and Jane hadn’t seen each other for 15 years. While at the university, they had shared a flat together for 2 years but then each had married and Jane and her husband had lived abroad a great deal. Elizabeth began to ask herself. ‘Will we even be able to recognize each other after all these years?” Right then she saw Jane walking towards her and smiling straight at her with the old unforgettable smile quite unchanged

Elizabeth is worried______.

14 / 18

Elizabeth parked the car and then went into the busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend the weekend with her. Elizabeth’s friends often came for the weekend, but there was something a little different about Jane’s visit. She and Jane hadn’t seen each other for 15 years. While at the university, they had shared a flat together for 2 years but then each had married and Jane and her husband had lived abroad a great deal. Elizabeth began to ask herself. ‘Will we even be able to recognize each other after all these years?” Right then she saw Jane walking towards her and smiling straight at her with the old unforgettable smile quite unchanged.

Elizabeth’s  friendship with Jane_____.

15 / 18

Elizabeth parked the car and then went into the busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend the weekend with her. Elizabeth’s friends often came for the weekend, but there was something a little different about Jane’s visit. She and Jane hadn’t seen each other for 15 years. While at the university, they had shared a flat together for 2 years but then each had married and Jane and her husband had lived abroad a great deal. Elizabeth began to ask herself. ‘Will we even be able to recognize each other after all these years?” Right then she saw Jane walking towards her and smiling straight at her with the old unforgettable smile quite unchanged.

The first thing Elizabeth noticed about Jane when they met at the station was ________.

16 / 18

Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the most popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People drink their tea in different ways. Some like it with sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some with lemon; yet, one way or another just about everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always been the case. During the last century, when tea was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the lady of the house had the key. Tea drinking then was quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At breakfast everyone drank beer!

In the passage it is explained that               .

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Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the most popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People drink their tea in different ways. Some like it with sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some with lemon; yet, one way or another just about everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always been the case. During the last century, when tea was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the lady of the house had the key. Tea drinking then was quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At breakfast everyone drank beer

It  is  obvious  from  the passage that            .

18 / 18

Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the most popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People drink their tea in different ways. Some like it with sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some with lemon; yet, one way or another just about everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always been the case. During the last century, when tea was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the lady of the house had the key. Tea drinking then was quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At breakfast everyone drank beer!

Compared with the past, in England today____.

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