51-dars. What…?/Which…?/How…?


So’roq olmoshlari doim so’roq yasayotgan paytimizda gap boshida keladi. Boshqa zamonlara, fe’llarda foydalanib gap yasagan vaqtimizda, so’roq gapda esa ularni egadan oldinga qo’yish orqali so’roq gap yasaganmiz. Agar bu gaplarda so’roq olmoshlarimizdan foydalansak ularni bu fe’llardan ham oldinga qo’yamiz.

Misol uchun:

Whatdan keyin ot ni ishlatamiz.

(Seni moshinaningni rangi qanaqa?)

(Soat nechi bo’ldi?)

Whichdan keyin ot ni ishlatamiz.(narsalar va odamlar uchun ishlatamiz)

(Seni qaysi shifokor ko’rgan-shifokor Ellis,shifokor Gray yoki shifokor Hill?)

Agar Whichdan keyin ot kelmasa faqat narsalar uchun ishalatamiz, odamlar uchun emas.

(Qaysi biri kattaroq- Kanda yoki Avstralia?)

Whodi biz odamlar uchun ishlatamiz.

(Kim uzunroq – Joe yoki Gary? (Qaysi biri uzunroq emas)

Qachonki biz bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan kichikroq raqam haqida o’ylaganimizda Whichda foydalanamiz.

(Bu yerda 4 ta zontik bor. Qaysi biri sizniki?)

What ni biz ko’roq umumiy so’roqlarda ishlatamiz.

(Qanday qo’shiq turini yoqtirasan?)

Howdan keyin sifat va ravishlarni ishlatamiz.

How tall are you? I am 1 metre 70.

(Sen qanchalik balandsan? Men 1 metr 70)

Exercises 1. What bilan savol yozing.

Answers 3 What colour is it?
4 What time did you get up?
5 What type of music do you like?
6 What kind of car do you want (to buy)?

Exercises 2.What/which/who yozing.

Answers 3 Which
4 What
5 Which
6 What
7 Which
8 Who
9 What
10 Which
11 What

Exercises 3. How….? bilan savol yozing.

Answers 2 How heavy is this box?
3 How old are you?
4 How much did you spend?
5 How often do you watch TV?
6 How far is it from Paris to Moscow?

New words (yangi so’zlar)

3kindtur, mehribon11adjectivesifat
5preferafzal ko’rmoq13poolko’lmak, baseyn


51-dars yakuni bo'yicha test.

Savollarni o'qing va to'g'ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

____ do you usually go to work?

2 / 10

____ did you watch on television last night?

3 / 10

____ is your shoe size?

4 / 10

I’ve got red or white wine. ____ do you want?

5 / 10

____ often do you go away on business?

6 / 10

____ is your office, this one or that one?

7 / 10

____ far is it from New York to London?

8 / 10

____ way did he go?

9 / 10

____ did you pay for it?

10 / 10

I pointed at the phone I wanted to buy and said, “_____ is that one?”

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