30- dars. Present Perfect (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)


O’tgan zamonda boshlanib tugagan va natijasi hozirda ko`rinib turgan har qanday ish harakat Present Perfect yani  hozirgi tugallangan zamon deb ataladi. Ushbu zamonda ish harakat tugallangan bo’lishi kerak.
Misol uchun: 

Bu zamonda gaplar tuzish uchun egadan keyin (I, you, we, he, she, it) have yoki has qo’yamiz va fe’lga -ed qo’shamiz. Masalan: I + have + work + ed
I have worked.
III shaxs birlikda (he, she, it) esa have ni o’rniga has ishlatamiz.
He has worked. My mother has cleaned.
Have ni qisqartirib ‘ve ko’rinishida has ni esa ‘s ko’rinishida ishlatishimiz mumkin. He‘s worked. I‘ve done my homework.

Inkor shakl yasaganimizda esa biz have/has dan keyin not qo’yamiz.
I have not done my homework. My mother has not cleaned the room.
Ko’pincha qisqartma shaklidan foydalanamiz. have not = haven’t; has not = hasn’t

Fe`llar 2 xil bo`ladi . To’g’ri fe’llar va notog’ri fe’llar

To’g’ri fe’llar (Regular verbs )   To`g`ri fe’ldan o’tgan zamon va tugallangan zamon yasalganda fe`llarga -ed,  qo`shimchalari qo’shiladi. Masalan: work – worked; play-played;

Noto’g’ri fe’llar (irregular verbs): Bu fe’llar yuqoridagi qoidaga bo’ysunmaydi. Bu fe’llardan o’tgan zamon yoki perfect da foydalanish uchun -ed qo’shmaymiz. Ularning o’zlarini maxsus o’tgan zamon va sifatdosh shakllari bor. Shulardan foydalanamiz.
Maslaan: buy – bought

Bazida o’tgan zamon  va o’tgan sifatdosh fe`llari bir xil shaklda bo’lmasligi mumkin. Masalan: break – broke – broken

So`roq shakli have, has ko`makchi fe`llarini egadan oldinga olib o`tish bilan yasaladi.

Inkor shakli have, has ko`makchilariga not so`zi qo`shilshi bilan yasaladi.

Exercises 1. Rasmlarga qarang. Nima sodir bo`ldi? Qutidan tanlang.


2. She has closed the door.
3. They have gone to bed.
4. It has stopped raining.
5. She has had a shower.
6. The picture has fallen down.


2.have bought
3.has gone
4.Have you seen
5.has broken
6.have told
7.has taken
8.haven’t seen
9.has she gone
10.have forgotten
11.has invited
12.Have you decided
13.haven’t told
14.have finished

New words

1look forqidirmoq9magazinejurnal
2womenayollar10buysotib olmoq
3partybazm11decideqaror  qilmoq

30-dars yakuni bo’yicha test.

Savollarni o’qing va to’g’ri javobni belgilang.

1 / 10

Present Perfect bu….

2 / 10

«Have» ko’makchi fe’li qaysi olmoshlar bilan birga keladi.

3 / 10

She….traveled to most parts of world.

4 / 10

…..you ever…. in a car accident.

5 / 10

Have you …. your homework?

6 / 10

She has…. to Portugal.

7 / 10

I’ve …. the latest Star Wars film.

8 / 10

They’ve …. lunch.

9 / 10

Bob’s not here. He’s …. to work.

10 / 10

….. she…… a new carpet yet?

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