Repetitsion TEST 8


Bahorda bo’ladigan attestatsiya imtihoniga qanchalik tayyorsiz? Quyida berilgan repetitsion test bilan o’z bilimingizni sinab ko’ring!
1-bosqich pedagogning mutaxassislik fani bo’yicha 35ta, kasbiy standart bo’yicha 5ta testdan iborat bo’lsa, 2-bosqichda pedagogik mahorat bo’yicha 10ta savol o’rin olgan bo’ladi.
Boshlash uchun «Start» tugmasini bosing!

Created by Hasanboy Rasulov

Repetitsion TEST 8

Jami savollar 50ta!

Mutaxassislik fani 35ta
Kasbiy standartdan 5ta
Pedagogik mahoratdan 10ta

Ajratilgan vaqt 90 daqiqa

Boshlash uchun "Start" tugmasini bosing!

1 / 50

1. He tends to forget things very quickly and behaves more and more like the typical ....... professor.

2 / 50

2. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to ________ the factory

3 / 50

3. They ..... breakfast at 7 and ..... home at eight.

4 / 50

4. Berilganlardan qaysi biri o'quvchilarning ta’limiy yutuqlarini baholashning mezonlarga asoslangan tizimiga bog'liq emas?

5 / 50

5. Quruq malumotlarni yodlatish yoki shunchaki, oqish-yozishni orgatish bilan cheklanilmaydigan tamoyil qaysi?

6 / 50

6. Kasbiy faoliyat turalari va mehnat vazifalarini moslashtiring
1.o‘z o‘zini rivojlantirish va kasbiy o‘sich
A)O‘zaro darslarda qatnashish, ularni tahlil ilish, undan o‘zining kasbiy faoliyatida foydalanish
2 .Tarbiyaviy faoliyatni tashkil etish
B)Ziddiyatlarni hal qilish, sinfda va undan tashqarida muloqot qilishi uchun ijobiy muhit yaratishda muloqot o‘tkazish
3 .Hamkasblar va ta’lim oluvchilarning ota-onalari bilan hamkorlik
C)Tarbiyaviy muammolarni hal qilishda va o‘quvchilarni hayotga tayyorlashda boshqa pedagogic xodimlar va mutahassislarni
maktab hayotiga jalb qilish
4 .Ta’lim samaradorligini ta’minlash
D)O’quvchilarning jamoaviy va hamkorlikdagi loyihaviy ishlarini tashkil etish
E)Darsdan tashqari turli madaniy tadbirlarda ishtirok etish

7 / 50

7. Siz darsni o'ta boshladingiz, barcha o’quvchilar tinchlanishdi, jimlik cho’kdi va birdan sinfda kimdir baland ovozda kulib yubordi. Siz hech narsa deyishga ulgurmay, kulayotgan o‘quvchiga savol va hayrat bilan qaraganingizda, u ko‘zingizga tik qarab: Menga har doim sizga qarash kulguli tuyuladi va siz dars boshlaganingizda kulgim keladi-dedi. Bunga nisbatan o‘qituvchi “Kayfiiyating yaxshi ekanligidan xursandman” deb javob berdi va darsni davom ettirdi. Bunda o‘qituvchi o‘quvchi bilan muloqotning modellashtirish bosqichida nimalarga e‘tibor berdi.

8 / 50

8. During a formal meeting, your manager says, "We should consider all the alternatives before making a decision." What is the pragmatic meaning of this statement?

9 / 50

9. We learned that he ___ the office 5 minutes before he _____

10 / 50

10. Pedagogning o‘z ustida ishlash bosqichlarining to‘g‘ri ketma-ketligini aniqlang:
1 .Ushbu qaror bo‘yicha amaliy harakatlarni samarali tashkil etish yo‘llarini izlash
2 .Yutuqlarini boyitish va kamchiliklarni bartaraf etish yuzasidan aniq qarorga kelish
3 . O‘z faoliyatini tahlil qilish asosida yutuq va kamchiliklarni aniqlas

11 / 50

11. The workers went on strike because they thought their wages were too ________.

12 / 50

12. She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a ....... mark against her name.

13 / 50

13. A: What did you use to do on Sundays?

B: We would usually ..... to church in the morning.

14 / 50

14. Bir guruh o‘quvchilar loyiha ishi ustida juda ko‘p mehnat qildilar. Uni bajarib bo‘lgach darsda sinfdoshlari oldida taqdimot o‘tkazdilar. O’qituvchi loyiha ishida ba’zi kamchiliklar bo’lsa-da, vazifa yaxshi bajarilganligi va dolzarbligi haqida gapirib, guruh a’zolarini maqtab qo’ydi. U nima uchun bunday qildi?

15 / 50

15. The explorer ________ all the way to the source of the river by boat.

16 / 50

16. Moslikni toping
1. kreativlik
2. kommunikativlik
a) o‘qituvchining o‘quvchilar bilan to‘g‘ri muomala qila olishi va muloqot o‘rnatish qobiliyati
b) kelib tushayotgan axborotni mulohaza qilib, baholab, kuzatuv va tajribalarga asoslanib qabul qilish qobiliyati
c) yangi g'oyalarni ishlab chiqarishga moyillik, nostandart fikrlash va boy tasavvurga ega bo’lish qobiliyati

17 / 50

17. They didn't know that he _____ from the University in 1990 and then ______ abroad.

18 / 50

18. While the gentlemen ... the recent events, the ladies ... about the weather.

19 / 50

19. Don't talk to him about politics because it's like a ....... rag to a bull.

20 / 50

20. Choose the appropriate option 'raɪs' is the phonetic transcription of -

21 / 50

21. Scientists who think that children learn aggressive behaviour from TV also emphasize that parents have the power over what their children watch. Because of this, many scientists recommend a number of things that parents can do. Reduce the number of hours of TV that your children watch, watch at least one episode of the shows your children watch, and when they see a violent act on the show that their children are watching, discuss it with your child and tell them that this kind of behaviour is not good and not the way to solve problems.

According to the author, parents are proficient enough .......

22 / 50

22. Scientists who think that children learn aggressive behaviour from TV also emphasize that parents have the power over what their children watch. Because of this, many scientists recommend a number of things that parents can do. Reduce the number of hours of TV that your children watch, watch at least one episode of the shows your children watch, and when they see a violent act on the show that their children are watching, discuss it with your child and tell them that this kind of behaviour is not good and not the way to solve problems.

According to one of the recommendations of scientists, .......

23 / 50

23. You are in a discussion and someone makes a suggestion you disagree with. How do you respond respectfully?

24 / 50

24. The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields were so wet and ________.

25 / 50

25. The correct transcription of the word ‘hurt’ is

26 / 50

26. A: Would you like me to give Mike a message for you?
B: Oh, I don’t want to trouble you
A: It’s no trouble, really. I ....... Mike tomorrow anyway.

27 / 50

27. Aristotle is thought to be one of the greatest historians. Aristotle based his ethics on human nature. Aristotle got most of his work from one of the greatest Catholic philosophers, Thomas Aquinas. Aristotle claims that everyone's goal is happiness. He declared that there is only one way to achieve true happiness and that is by living a virtuous life. He said that if one is not living a virtuous life, then they are not truly happy. Being happy is one of the biggest goals in life. Some people have tons of money and live very extravagantly, but they may hate what they do. That is because many people choose not to become businessmen or lawyers, some become policemen or priests. If people did what makes them happy, they wouldn't be so stressed out and there wouldn't be as many suicides.

It is clear from the paragraph that .......

28 / 50

28. How much is the bus ... to the city centre?

29 / 50

29. ... bilan uyga qaytishi, sinfdoshlari uning ustidan kulishlarini aytib, o’qituvchilar xonasida janjal ko’tardi. O’quvchining sinf
rahbari yosh bo’lisnhiga qaramay, bu ona bilan xushmuomala bo’ldi va uni tinchlantira oldi. Bu o’qituvchi ayni vaziyatda
qo’llagan og’zaki ta’sir qilishning xushmuomalalik mezonlari to’gri ko’rsatilgan qatorlarni aniqlang:
1.Shirinsuxanlik va insoniylik tuyg’ularini namoyish etish
2.Suhbatning barcha bosqichlarida hissiy osoyishtalikning namoyon bo’lishi

3.O’zaro fikr almashishga doir sifatlar, ko’nikmalar va malakalarning mavjudligi
4.Ta’lim va bilim olishga bo’lgan ishtiyoqini kuchaytirish
5.Mustaqil fikr yuritish, o’z fikrini erkin bayon eta olish, insoniy qadr-qimmat tuyg’usini shakllantirish

30 / 50

30. I don’t know … students in this class. Because I am a newcomer

31 / 50

31. You've borrowed such a great deal of money from me lately. I need to ....... exactly how much you owe me.

32 / 50

32. They were ....... of having broken into the stately home and stolen several famous paintings.

33 / 50

33. Ask her to help you with your calculations because she's ....... hot at mathematics.

34 / 50

34. All the migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills are at risk from oil pollution. During migration, they look for calm water where they rest and fish. Oil covered seas look calm to birds, and they land on the water by thousands, only to be trapped in the oil and die of starvation. The birds which don't become trapped usually die as well from trying to remove the oil from their feathers, the birds ingest the oil and that usually kills them in a few days. The oil which washes to shore on the beaches where seals and sea lion breed harm these animals as well, any animals that get caught in the oil usually die.

Oil spills not only kill sea birds .......

35 / 50

35. George, help me to do the room, If you _____ nothing.

36 / 50

36. A: How are you getting to Rome?
B: It’s ..... expensive for us to go by plane, so we’re taking the train to Rome.’

37 / 50

37. O‘quvchilar Konstitutsiya kuniga bagishlangan tadbir uyushtirmoqchi bo’ldilar. Bunga boshqa sinf o’quvchilarini ham jalb
etmoqchi ekanliklari haqida o’qituvchiga ma’lum qildilar. O’qituvchi bu vazifani ular mustaqil bajarishlari uchun barcha shart
sharoitlarni yaratib berdi. Shunda o‘qituvchi tarbiyaviy faoliyat turning qaysi yo‘nalishini amalga oshirgan hisoblanadi
1.Oquvchilarning o’zini o’zi bshqarish organlari faoliyatini tashkil qilishda yordam berish va qo’llab quvvatlash
2.O’quvchilarga zamonaviy ommaviy axborot vositalari dunyosida havfsiz ishlashga yordam berish
3.O’quvchilarda kognitiv faollik, mustaqilllik, tashabbuskorlik, fuqarolik pozitiyasi madaniyatini rivojlantirish
4.O’quvchilarda fuqarolik kompetensiyalari va media savodxonligini shakllantirish

38 / 50

38. The car is almost ready to collect from the garage but there are just a couple of spare ....... missing.

39 / 50

39. The correct transcription of the word ‘chain’ is

40 / 50

40. 4K metodi oz ichiga nechta tamoilni qamrab olgan?

41 / 50

41. In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily ........

42 / 50

42. All the migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills are at risk from oil pollution. During migration, they look for calm water where they rest and fish. Oil covered seas look calm to birds, and they land on the water by thousands, only to be trapped in the oil and die of starvation. The birds which don't become trapped usually die as well from trying to remove the oil from their feathers, the birds ingest the oil and that usually kills them in a few days. The oil which washes to shore on the beaches where seals and sea lion breed harm these animals as well, any animals that get caught in the oil usually die.

When birds land on oil-covered seas, ......

43 / 50

43. The word 'accelerate' is transcribed as -

44 / 50

44. Make sure you book a ticket in ... .

45 / 50

45. Abdulla was standing very far from you. You _____ see him.

46 / 50

46. The reason why I feel so ....... today is because it's my birthday and no-one has sent me any cards.

47 / 50

47. When the bill came, he had to _______ money from his brother to pay it.

48 / 50

48. Can you ....... the time of the next train to Munich?

49 / 50

49. That maths exam was incredibly difficult. It took me ages to ....... some of the answers.

50 / 50

50. The letter 'o' in the word, 'about' is pronounced like letter, 'o' in the word:

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